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Sklep numizmatyczny zaprasza, 16 stycznia 2025 r. U¿ytkownicy online: 579
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20 z³, banknot Lech Kaczyñski. Warto byæ Polakiem, 2021
PWPW - Pañstwowa Wytwórnia Papierów Warto¶ciowych
Cena brutto: 239.00 PLN

5 z³, 100-lecie odzyskania przez Polskê niepodleg³o¶ci, 2018
Cena brutto: 7.00 PLN

10 z³, 100-lecie powstania Zwi±zku Ochotniczych Stra¿y Po¿arnych RP, 2021
Cena brutto: 189.00 PLN

Plan emisyjny monet
i banknotów w 2018 roku:

Polska Reprezentacja Olimpijska PyeongChang
- 200 zł, 10 zł

Wyklęci przez komunistów żołnierze niezłomni August Emil Fieldorf „Nil”
- 10 zł

Wielcy polscy ekonomiści
Fryderyk Skarbek
- 10zł

Moneta okolicznościowa z napisem 100-lecie odzyskania przez Polskę niepodległości
- 5 zł

Polskie Termopile - Hodów
- 10 zł

100-lecie czynu zbrojnego Polonii amerykańskiej
- 10 zł

Skarby Stanisława Augusta
Henryk Walezy
- 500 zł, 50 zł

Historia monety polskiej boratynka, tymf Jana Kazimierza
- 20 zł

760-lecie Towarzystwa Strzeleckiego Bractwa Kurkowego
w Krakowie
- 10 zł

100-lecie powstania Gimnazjum
i Liceum im. Stefana Batorego
w Warszawie
- 10 zł

- 10 zł

125-lecie działalności Teatru im. Juliusza Słowackiego w Krakowie
- 10 zł

- 20 zł (banknot kolekcjonerski)

Stulecie odzyskania przez Polskę niepodległości – Ignacy Jan Paderewski
- 100 zł, 10 zł

100. rocznica odzyskania przez Polskę niepodległości
- 1 zł, 2018 zł, 100 zł

Wyklęci przez komunistów żołnierze niezłomni – Hieronim Dekutowski „Zapora”
- 10 zł

100. rocznica wybuchu Powstania Wielkopolskiego
- 200 zł, 10 zł


Emisje NBP
Emisja monet NBP 2018

Emisja monet NBP 2017

Emisja monet NBP 2016

Emisja monet NBP 2015

Emisja monet NBP 2014

Emisja monet NBP 2013

Emisja monet NBP 2012

Emisja monet NBP 2011

Emisja monet NBP 2010

Emisja monet NBP 2009

Emisja monet NBP 2008

Emisja monet NBP 2007

Emisje monet NBP 1995 - 2006

10 Euro, Opowie¶ci i legendy Austrii - Ach, kochany Augustynie, 2011
Nazwa Cena brutto
10 Euro, Opowie¶ci i legendy Austrii - Ach, kochany Augustynie, 2011
171.00 PLN

Producent: Austrian Mint

ID: 941

Seria: "Opowie¶ci i legendy Austrii" 

Kraj: Austria
Emitent: Narodowy Bank Austrii 
Producent: Mennica Austrii (Austrian Mint)
Stan zachowania monety: I (menniczy)
Nomina³: 10 Euro (10 €)
Srebro: Ag 925
Stempel: lustrzany
Rant: g³adki
¦rednica: 32,00 mm
Waga: 16 g
Nak³ad: 40.000 szt.
Data emisji: 13.10.2011 r.
W zestawie: srebrna moneta kolekcjonerska w kapsule ochronnej, bordowe etui, indywidualnie numerowany certyfikat autentyczno¶ci !

Ostatnia moneta z ciekawej serii "Opowie¶ci i legendy Austrii".

Ten wybity ze szlachetnego kruszcu okaz - kunsztem wykonania i ilo¶ci± detali - z pewno¶ci± oczaruje ka¿dego prawdziwego kolekcjonera!

Numizmatyczna podró¿ we wspania³e czasy legend i opowie¶ci.

Daj siê oczarowaæ klimatem legend z tamtych czasów dziêki urzekaj±cej detalami srebrnej monecie kolekcjonerskiej.

Do przechowywania ca³ej serii 6 monet proof - mennica Austrian Mint przygotowa³a specjalny album, stylizowany na star± ksiêgê z legendami.

Album widoczny jest na dwóch ostatnich zdjêciach obok, nie wchodzi on w sk³ad tego produktu, ale mo¿na zakupiæ go jako osobny produkt - LINK.

Srebrn± monetê wybi³a Austrian Mint - mennica z siedzib± w Wiedniu o ponad 800-letnim do¶wiadczeniu.

Wchodzi ona w sk³ad serii 6 srebrnych monet kolekcjonerskich, na których uwieczniane s± s³ynne opowie¶ci i legendy przekazywane z pokolenia na pokolenie w Austrii, jak te¿ w wielu innych pañstwach Europy.

Ta srebrna moneta kolekcjonerska to tak¿e idealny prezent dla Twojego dziecka, gdy¿ uczy ona pasji kolekcjonerskiej i historycznej, a wiêc ciekawo¶ci ¶wiata, dok³adno¶ci, cierpliwo¶ci, sumienno¶ci i mi³o¶ci do piêkna!


10 Euro silver coin “Der Liebe Augustin

The 10 Euro silver coin “Der Liebe Augustin is the final issue in the series “Tales and Legends in Austria”. The coin commemorates Augustin, a mythical ballad-singer and bagpiper who entertained the customers of a Viennese tavern during the hard times that followed the Great Plague of 1679. His song “Oh du lieber Augustin” is still well known  today.

The new coin in detail

The coin shows dear Augustin in the plague pit, with a warden peering into the pit in astonishment.

On the other side of the coin, dear Augustin is depicted as the ever jolly, good-humoured musician. In the beer garden he plays lively melodies on the bagpipes, while a couple listens to his music and the innkeeper raises his glass to him. In the background stands the spire of Vienna’s St. Stephen’s Cathedral.

Since the value of the 16 g of silver per coin is considerably higher than 10 Euros, the coin is only issued in "special uncirculated“ and "proof“ qualities.

Collector album 10 Euro
“Tales and Legends in Austria”

To enhance your joy of collecting even more, we offer a collector album for the six coins of the series in proof quality.

Designed as a book of tales, it holds the six coins in their capsules, the certificates and the coin descriptions including the tale of the legend.

The series "Tales and Legends in Austria"

The series is complete now: Six imaginative silver coins in high quality recount six of the most important legends in Austria. They tell about mythical creatures, monsters and true stories. Earlier issues in this series:

2009: "The Basilisk" and "Richard the Lionheart"
2010: "The Erzberg in Styria" and "Charlemagne in the Untersberg“
2011: "The Lindwurm in Klagenfurt"


“Du Lieber Augustin”
My Dearest Augustin

13 October Vienna - The sixth and final coin of the popular “Legends of Austria” silver series will be issued today.

The final Legend to be commemorated in this series commemorates a song written in 1679, “Du Lieber Augustin”, which is still used today as inspiration for contemporary entertainment.

The reverse of the coin depicts Augustine playing his bagpipe at an outdoor table of a local pub.

All of the people in the design are depicted in period dress. In the background is the main Cathedral of the City of Vienna, St. Stephen’s.

The obverse of the coin shows Augustine as he wakes up just in the nick of time to get out of the pit of plague victims.

In the background is a surprised but happy mortician, as well as a cart used to collect victims during this period.

This side of the coin also shows the country of issue “Republik Oesterreich” Republic of Austria, the year of issue 2011, and the face value of 10 euros. In the scroll located in the upper center of the design is the date 1679 and “Wien”, or Vienna.

The legend "Du Lieber Augustin" comes from the terrible time of the black plague in the Middle Ages, during which many thousands of people died all across Europe and as well as in Vienna.

Marx Augustin was a musician who performed in public houses and on the street to earn his meagre living.

During this time he put together this dark and melancholy song because of all the death and sadness in the town.

"O, my dear friend
Augustin, Augustin, Augustin,
O, my dear friend Augustin, I just can't win!
Money's gone, girlfriend's gone,
I just can't win, Augustin!

O, my dear friend Augustin, I just can't win!
Coat is gone, staff is gone, Augustin's is lost.
O, my dear friend Augustin, I just can't win!

Even the town of Vienna, broke like Augustin;
shed tears with thoughts akin, I just can't win!
Every day was a fest, now we just have the pest

Now all the corpses rest, that is the rest.
Augustin, Augustin, lay down in your grave!
O, my dear friend Augustin, I just can't win!”

During the Middle Ages towns and cities were dark and dirty. Vienna was no exception. There where no street lights, just an occasional torch or oil lantern. The maze of streets made with cobbles meandered through the town - so sure footing was never really solid.

Trash and sanitation was simply dumped into the streets. Adding to these dangers were the large number of deaths, plague victims who dropped dead in the streets.

Every day the morticians would collect the corpses. There was no time to bury them individually but rather they were collected and buried in large pits. Once these pits filled up they were covered with lime and earth.

Late one evening Augustin was on his way home after a long day of work and having imbibed a bit too much. The dark and dreary streets were a tricky maze to try and navigate home even under normal conditions. Augustin was exhausted and so he laid down at the edge of a street to get some sleep.

He was so soundly asleep that unbeknownst to him he was picked up by the morticians and tossed onto the cart of plague victims. Luckily Augustine woke up in a pit filled with bodies just prior to the pit being covered over with earth.

The morticians were more than surprised. But Augustine’s luck had certainly changed. In no time, the rumour spread far and wide that wine was an excellent preventative medicine for the plague.

Augustine who was so grateful for his second chance decided to help out during these difficult times and assist in the clean up and the collecting of many bodies. Sadly, he himself eventually became a victim.

In Austria the song over the years has become the accepted lament for people when they are down and out and have totally run out of luck. Variations of it have been used in classical music by Wranitzky, Schoenberg and Nepomuk Hummel.

Even in today's pop culture variations and lines of this song have been used by many: Bob Hope in “My Favourite Spy”, the Simpsons “The Otto Show”; even the Three Stooges wrote a variation to be used in their skit “Disorder in the Court”, to name just a few.

It has been translated into many languages. Many people will also remember the campfire song “Fish and Chips and Vinegar” that uses the melody for yet another variation.

¼ród³o: Austrian Mint / Wikipedia

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Sklep numizmatyczny - Polskie i zagraniczne monety kolekcjonerskie, banknoty polimerowe
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Skarby Stanis³awa Augusta, Kanonizacja Jan Pawe³ II